Publish an App in App Studio

Within App Studio the publish options can be found in the Publish group on the Ribbon's Publish tab or by clicking on the lower half of the Publish Project button in the Project group on the Ribbon's Home tab. The following options are available:

  • Publish to Local System – this option is no longer recommended – use Publish to Server, below, instead.

  • Publish to Server – used to publish your Project directly to an App Server.

  • Publish to Package – packages up your whole Project into a single compressed Package file.

    Package files can be used to copy the Project to another development PC, to include multiple Projects within a Standalone App and to publish an app to the App Server where you cannot publish directly. Packages can include development and runtime files or just runtime files.

Note that when using Publish to Server, before the app is published, by default, App Studio will check the syntax of all the Scripts within the app and report any errors in the Script Errors Pane. You can disable this check by selecting the Disable Syntax Checking on Publish option in the App Studio Settings.

Publishing an app will automatically save the Project before publishing.


Whilst you are developing a Digitise app, for testing purposes we suggest you publish it to the App Server running on your development PC and download it to your test device(s) from there. When you installed Digitise Apps, if you specified the connection details for the SQL Server, it is these connection details which will be used to point to the App Server Configuration Database when you publish an app.

You can, however, enter or change the App Server Configuration Database connection details when you publish your app using the Publish to Server option. App Manager also allows you to change the connection string for the App Server Configuration Database within the App Manager Options. These options allow you to easily swap between publishing to a development App Server and, for example, a live or test version.